As humans we are hard wired for worship. We all worship something whether we are Catholics, Christians, atheists, agnostics or any other religion. It may be God, money, power, or even a celebrity. What do we put at the center of our lives and base all of our decisions around? What matters to us the most? The answer to these questions will tell you what you worship. As Catholics, we desire to worship God, but this is not always easy. This fall, the band had the opportunity to attend the first Catholic Conference on Contemporary Worship in Dedham, Massachusetts. Father Matt Williams spoke on this topic and explained that if we do not worship God, we will worship other things. As a band, it is our goal to strive to worship God and to help others worship God through our music.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church says the following about worship; "The worship of the one God sets man free from turning in on himself from the slavery of sin and the idolatry of the world" (CCC 2097). We worship to set ourselves free from the things of this world that bind us and keep us from a deeper relationship with God our Father. By worshiping God we offer him praise, thanksgiving and ask for his help, guidance and intercession in our lives. Worship is an offering of ourselves to our God who created us.
We are all blessed with gifts from God, and as musicians, we have been blessed to have the opportunity to share our gifts with the people of our parish by leading in worship through song. Music can be a powerful form of prayer and our goal as a group is always to create an opportunity for worship of our Lord Jesus Christ. Adoration has always been a focus for our ministry because worship is a key part of its very definition! Music is a strong catalyst for prayer and can bring the community together as we all praise God through the words of song.
This is why Worship is part of our name. It is who we are, not just us as a band but as humans. While we are here on this earth, we are called to worship our God and savior. We know music has brought us closer to God and we pray always as a group that our music can lead all those who hear us into prayer and worship of Jesus Christ.
Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord;     let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.  Let us come before him with thanksgiving     and extol him with music and song.
          - Psalm 95: 1-2